Current Officers
Local 354's Constitution and By-laws specify that our local's operation shall be overseen by The President, Vice-President, Business Representative, Treasurer, and Secretary.
Positions are open to journeymen only, appointment is by nomination, and simple majority election via secret ballot every third year. In addition, the Business Representative may appoint Assistant Business Representatives to assist in the handling of calls, work assignments, and special Union projects.
The union has two standing committees for specific aspects of the Local: Safety Committee & Apprentice Committee.
Other Special Committees may be convened to address specific needs of Local 354.
Briefly stated, the officer positions function as follows:

Richard Shumberger
Conducts and presides over all monthly and special meetings.

Matt Reed
Maintains the local's financial records and pays all obligations, receives membership dues, fees, and other income, deposits them with the appropriate financial institution, and files all local, state, and federal financial reports.

Board of Trustees
Functions as a financial oversight committee and performs periodic audits of the local's financial records.

Business Representative
Justice Bigler
Handles the day-to-day business activities of the local and places qualified workers on calls as required, closely coordinates those activities with the the Assistant Business Representative and the Call Stewards, and serves as Local 354's representative at the International conventions.

Vice President/Discipline
Debbie Garrison
Steps in for the president when they are indisposed or are otherwise removed from the proceedings.

Emerson Parker
Records the minutes of all meetings, files required reports with the International office, handles the local's correspondence, and issues all membership cards.

Gary Griffith
Verifies eligibility of those attending union meetings and maintains order in correlation with Roberts Rules of Order.